An Unforgettable Summer Destination the Whole Family Will Love
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10 tips to dial in your fishing to catch more and bigger fish this summer
From South to North, from West to East, anglers are hitting the water in pursuit of their favorite pastime — fishing. As temperatures start to rise, fish are on the move, and so are the anglers.According to the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), America has an estimated 60 million anglers.If you’re…
7 ways to experience a slice of Americana in Rapid City, South Dakota
There are certain places you come across that seem to be quintessentially Americana, like apple pie and ice cream, fireworks and the Fourth of July and college football. A destination that seamlessly captures the best of America — Rapid City, South Dakota.Located in western South Dakota and the gateway…
5 tips to make the most of your family vacation this summer
Summer is just around the corner! With the kids out of school and beautiful weather on the way, it’s time to start planning a family vacation.Family trips are a great way to bond, make memories and escape from the daily grind. If you’re overwhelmed by the idea of planning a trip, don’t worry. These five…
Family Matters: Tips for Planning a Summer Family Reunion
Did you know the average family spends less than an hour of quality time together per day? According to data from Pew Research Center, nine in ten people indicate that spending time with family is one of the most important things to them, but it can be difficult to prioritize.Reunions can be the missing…
Parents, protect your child against measles before international travel
Do you have travel plans? As your family gets ready for summer trips and get-togethers, make sure your child is up to date with routine childhood vaccines. The World Health Organization has noted a significant increase in measles cases worldwide, including popular international tourist destinations for…